A Sub’s Experience at North High
May 16, 2018

As of February 15th, there has been a sub for Mr. Stephen Dombrosk, a world history teacher at North High. The subs name is Mr. Brian LaFrance and he has made the classroom his for the past 5 weeks.

This is LaFrance’s first time teaching at North High but it seems as though it was a good experience. When asked if he would sub at North again he said “Yes. I would work here as a full-time (real) teacher too. (If given the opportunity.)” Wink, wink.
LaFrance also commented on his opinion of the students by saying they are “very well behaved but, what [he] likes even better is their willingness to participate and openly discuss things with [him]. Makes the classroom very enjoyable!”
Students also think that he is a good sub. When Maddy Harding, a sophomore and student in his third hour class was asked what she thought of him, her answer was “Mr. LaFance is really chill and cool. He’s also very engaging and seems interested in our actual lives. I mean, I still love Mr. Dombrosk and can’t wait for his return.” Then Elijah Lawbeerjour, a student in his fifth hour added, “Yeah! Sometimes he’s super quiet but it’s all good. I enjoy his class, especially since most of the assignments are just group things and he’s pretty chill about if after we’re done we just talk with our friends.”
As LaFrance is a sub it would make sense that he has something lined up for after this job as his last day is March 23rd, the day before spring break, but he says that there’s nothing lined up yet as he has “mostly been focused on one day at a time here in World History 10.”
As a final parting Lafrance said that “North is [his] first experience working with such a diverse student population. Overall that part of this job has been really cool, and you all at North should really appreciate and value that part of your school community.”
We should be proud as LaFrance said, because we are a good school that is really resilient to change. Also, even though we are a big school, we are still a close and fun community.