As the second trimester grades begin to go into the grade book, it is important to note that all departments at North High School are returning to a grading policy that was last implemented during the 2021-2022 school year. This grading system will mean that every assignment, both formative and summative, is capable of receiving a grade spanning from 0-100%, opposed to the 50-100% that was put into place in the previous trimesters for the last year.
The first trimester of this school year was the first time that both summative and formative assignments could not be lower than 50%. Throughout the entire school year last year, formative assignments could not be lower than 50%, however summative assignments could be. The year prior, the school did not have these rules implemented but students could turn in any assignment or retake any summative assignment up until two weeks before the end of the trimester. Now, students have until their summative assignment for the unit to turn in all missing work or retake their summative assignment from the previous unit. In this way, the students of North High may be entering their most difficult trimester yet.
When I asked 11th grader Angie Moore about how the new grading policy was affecting her grades, she simply widened her eyes, clenched her teeth and shook her head.
Mr. Salava had the opposite reaction, stating that he prefers this new policy, as it is prepares students for the real world much more than the previous policies have. Each department was able to decide which policy they would abide by and each concluded that by having this grading system students will have to put in more effort to earn their grade.
While examining resources directly gathered from the North High Office, it is mentioned that also changing this upcoming trimester is that there will be after-school detention on Thursdays as well as lunch detention. Additionally, attendance guidelines will become much stricter. To avoid this, remember to be respectful to staff, as well as be in your designated areas when you are supposed to be. Furthermore, If you retake a summative assessment, the least amount of points you can get is 50%.
Some aspects remaining the same this trimester are that there will still not be a penalty for late formative work that is turned in before a summative, and the grading scale is still the same, which means that 93-100% is an A, 90-92.9% is an A-, 87-89.9% is a B+, 83-86.9% is a B, 80-82.9% is a B-, 77-79.9% is a C+, 73-76.9% is a C, 70-72.9% is a C-, 67-69.9% is a D+, 63-66.9% is a D, 60-62.9% is a D-, and 0.0-59.9% is a F.