North High Students Love for Music


Joelle Tokpa, Journalism I


Teenagers love music. Especially the students at North High. Many students can’t leave home without bringing their headphones or earbuds along. During passing times, many students have an earbud in (because of the one in, one out rule), and are heading towards their next hour.

“I love music, and I’m so happy it exists. I can listen to music when I don’t want to hear people talk.” said Jianna Cager, a Junior at North High. Many students agree with that statement, and all who were asked included that music gets them through the school day. It’s an essential of teens.

Emmanuella Anibougu mentioned: “In my car, I love to blast my music because I can. It’s self expression, and there isn’t a law against it.” The trend of blasting music coming from the cars of students is, and always has been prevalent and present from teen drivers.

Different students have different interests for different types of music. One student could enjoy more current and trendy music, while another could love trap music. Morris McCollum mentioned “I love all types of music. It really just depends on my mood.” Similar responses came from everyone interviewed on this topic.

North High recently enforced the “one in, one out” rule. The rule says that students can listen to music, but they can’t have both headphones, or earbuds in at the same time. They have to have one earbud in, and one earbud out. Administration decided that it’d make the most sense because students with two earbuds in can’t really hear what their teachers or staff members are announcing, or saying to them. Venus Olechak mentions “I think it’s really effective. I know it sometimes gets annoying, but I see what the staff is trying to do. It makes sense.”

Music has a large impact on North High teens. That’s one of the things that makes everyone at North High unique. What’s your favorite kind of music?