Spooky Experiences with Gina DeLoera


Araceli Serrano, Journalism Student

I wanted this article to fit with spooky season. So, I’m more than certain that everyone has at least experienced some type of paranormal activity, or had something scare them to death. At least once in their life. I decided to ask Gina De Loera about her experiences with some paranormal activity around in her house. I had asked De Loera, a North High Junior student about her experience because she was the main one I know who went through some scary things. 


I had asked De Loera what is it like to be a North High Junior student and go home and experience this at home? De Loera had said “it is normal to me because I am used to it by now, so I don’t get as scared and think its my mind playing tricks with me, so I don’t give it much attention”.  De Loera had said not that long ago she was in her room and she heard some weird noises around her new room she moved into. She specifically heard a voice say “move” De Loera had moved into her older sisters old room, since she had moved out already. De Loera had shared with me that her sister would experience strange things in that room, too.


She had mentioned that one time, she had saw a big shadow in the corner of her room. It was shaped as a man. Where Gina now sleeps. See, we could all confuse it with some clothing that would make a shadow in the dark. But, one would never know what one experiences. I had asked her if anyone of her friends who came over experienced strange things in the house?


De Loera had said “my best friend who sleeps over would get sleep paralysis”. She had mentioned that any friend that would come over would experience sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis “is when, during awakening or falling asleep, a person is aware but unable to move or speak”. Many people probably know what this is or maybe if you’re reading this, you may have even experienced it. I know of another student that goes here to North High who has experienced sleep paralysis, but that is a different story that can be told in a different article.