Taylor Swifts “Taylor Version” of her 2014 album 1989 has taken the world by storm. The song list is identical to the 2014 version, but includes 5 “from the vault” songs. The Vault is a catalog of unreleased songs. Key Songs from this album include ‘Shake It Off’, Taylor’s most popular song, and ‘Blank Space’.
Many of the most notable Swift songs are on this album, even down to the new viral songs such as “Welcome to New York” and ‘Out Of The Woods.’ This album has many treasures.
Between her fans, the album has had some varying views. Certain fans claim the songs sound different, while others can barely tell a difference. With re-recordings of her voice over virtually the same track, it’s hard to say.
The woman in question, Swift, has barely commented on this. The fans can rest assured that there are some differences, starting with ‘Welcome to New York’
The vocals have improved with time, so her voice has changed slightly. In comparison to the older version, a normal person wouldn’t be able to tell any difference. The chorus is the only place that has a small noticeable difference. The newer version has a slightly more airy sound to the vocals.
The other re-recordings are identical listening side by side. The stronger vocals are from experience with her tours, and new releases.
The “Vault” songs, “Say Don’t Go,” “Now That We Don’t Talk,” “Suburban Legends,” and “Is It Over Now?”, and “Slut!” are all new additions to Taylor’s discography. These songs have charted quite well, with the highest being ‘Is It Over Now?’ at number one in the UK. Her vault songs have all charted at least top 25, only one lower than top ten. The album itself has charted quite well, #1 or #2 in all countries other than Japan, where the album reached #12 and # 13.
The album is clearly well received. Her fans love the new content and can’t wait for more vault content. Taylor has done well with this album, and her fans can’t wait to see more from her.