Ashley Prax’s Style Guide

Junior Ashley Prax poses in Cocoa Beach in her cute new outfit!

Sammie Bonko, Journalism Student

Anyone who knows Ashley Prax knows that were ever she is she is always dressed up. Whether it’s a skirt, dress or sweater she is always looking cute and fashionable. Most students (like me) have no motivation to dress nice every single day however Ashley has made the commitment rain or shine to look nice this entire year. No exceptions.

When asked why she feels it’s important to dress nice all the time she responded that her motto is “dress good, feel good, do good” she says it puts her in a better mood and increases her confidence.

Every night she plans precisely what she is going to wear the next day ensuring a great outfit. This process takes about 20 minutes. She starts out by planning whether she is going to wear a dress, skirt or pants and goes from there, carefully creating an outfit. I asked Ashley what her number one piece of fashion advice is and she said “wear what you love… don’t care about if others will like it.” It’s all about confidence! If you are stuck and don’t know how to amplify your outfit Ashley also recommends adding heels or necklaces for a quick fix. These little details go a long way with making an outfit excel.

If you are like me you know how hard it is to get up every day into the cold Minnesota weather looking cute. All I wanna do is wear a Snuggie to school but Ashley says that wearing sweaters makes your outfit cute and comfortable. Also adding thick warm tights to your skirt or dress will make your legs less cold and make your outfit even cuter. She also adds with a smile “Who cares if you get a little cold!” The confidence that you receive from wearing a cute outfit is worth it!