Fashions and Trends of Teens at North


Joelle Tokpa, Journalism I


Many teens turn to fashion to express their feelings and opinions; including students at North High. Every student has their own style of self expression through clothing, and have their own opinions toward what they wear, and even on what their fellow friends and classmates wear.

When students were asked to describe their style of dress, the responses to the question reached all parts of the spectrum. Crystal Xiong, a Junior at North as “comfy and stylish” Gena Vang, another North High student agreed saying “I try to find something comfy to wear, but at the same time, it all depends on my mood.” She elaborated by continuing, “One day I’ll wear jeans and a sweatshirt, the other day I’ll wear a mesh top and ripped jeans or something. I try to find pieces that stand out to make my style a little more unique.”

Now that social media is very prevalent, it has a large impact on what students purchase in stores, and even on what they choose to wear in the mornings. Social media provides and displays a large array of styles. There are, of course, prominent figures that decide to rock certain fads and styles, which also inspires teens.Teens look up to their favorite artists and other celebrity figures for influence on their individual fashion decisions. Jacob Conley, an 11th grade student stated “A big inspiration of mine is Kanye West. From what I’ve seen, that level of excellence across so many different forms of art is untouched.”

With many being interested in fashion, re-occuring trends continue to show up. There is an immense amount of North High Students who own similar pieces of clothing, or even shoes that are so prevalent around the school, that they are considered “basic.” Crystal acknowledged a few re-occuring trends among North students like “ Birkenstocks, vans, and off shoulder tops”, just to name a few.

Gena gave her observations- “I would say like wearing Thrasher or like wearing off shoulder tops.” Jacob agreed, saying “Lately, a lot of people have been wearing Vans and Thrasher tees. The Thrasher teens aren’t really my thing, but I loved Vans last year.”

The interviewees were presented with the question “What’s your favorite trend at the moment?” Once again, there were many responses. Crystal simply replied saying “Vans!!” Vans lately have been very prevalent in stores that present shoes to buyers. At some stores, they have replaced the displays of Converse shoes. Social media has also been blowing up with outfits featuring varieties of Vans.

Gena responded saying “ My favorite trend at the moment would be like printed things. You see like the checkered print, gingham, camo, the famous Gucci print, and many more.” Gena has done a great job rocking all those trends through various ways. Jacob mentioned that his favorite trend was “currently, I love the One Star Converse. They’re great looking shoes.”

Fashion is always around us, but what sets students choices of clothing apart, is how they decided to display their clothing. Some may attempt a comfy style by simply wearing sweatshirts, and jeans, while some may go the extra mile and add something unique or different to their outfits by throwing in odd patterns. Whichever way you decide, fashion is fashion, which has hundreds of different definitions of it. How will you rock the next outfit you choose to put on?