First look at Finals


Josie Borchert, Journalism I

With October ending and November starting finals are just around the corner. For some students this might be a stressful task but here are some study tips that work from North High Students.

Review packets are probably the best and the easiest way to study. The main reason is because everything that your teacher wants you to know and that will be on the final is written in the study guide. It is like a mini test, a practice test.

Emma Roling, a Junior here at North High says “if your teacher gives you a review packet make sure you do that and make a quizlet out of it.”

Quizlet is a website that creates flashcards and mini games to help you memorize terms and concepts.

However, if your teacher doesn’t give you a review sheet than Emma says to “study your notes and go over any key concepts.”

North High students say the most important thing is to start studying early. If you don’t study early you have a lot to do the night before.

Finals tend to be longer than a normal test with more concepts and targets. It is a good idea to split up concepts and study one each night as the test approaches.

For Freshman finals can be a stressful time. The tests are different from middle school and the new schedule and bells can be confusing as well as the different lunches.

“The first tri finals were stressful and the schedule is confusing but by third tri I got used to it” Julia Schleicher says as she recalls her freshman year at North.

However, now as a Junior Julia says “finals are still a big deal but it is less stressful.” Her advice is to “make sure you study but don’t freak out about them because it is just like any other test.”

It sounds like the hardest finals at North are CIS Spanish, as well as French, AP US History, and Pre- Calc. Therefore, if you happen to be taking one of those classes study hard or just study hard for all of your classes. Good Luck!