Chick-Fil-A jobs For North High Students


Ruby Davis-Nelson, Journalism I

High school is when most kids get their first jobs. Licenses are frequently obtained by high school students, with this comes the responsibility of a car and the upkeep their own person things in life. A job is one of the last borders a teenager has to overcome to become independent. Although, nowadays it’s nearly impossible to find a good paying job that will take someone with no experience we are engulfed into the working society eventually. (some earlier and some later than others)
Chick-Fil-A just opened on White Bear Avenue, one of the only Chick-Fil-A’s in St. Paul, or even Minnesota. The organization came to North High School looking for employee’s, knowing that students were frequently in need of a paying job. The opening night of Chick-Fil-A was packed. People camped out in front of the fast food restaurant, the night before, in hopes and wonder of the famous chicken sandwich’s.            Customers enjoyed the ravenous deep fried chicken that next afternoon, least to say Chick-Fil-A had lived up to it’s expectations.
Customer service is very important at Chick-Fil-A, if you’ve ever been, you’ll notice that it’s very different compared to any old Burger King or Mc Donalds, where the workers are usually upset and annoyed. High school students like Allison Cha are taught to treat the customers with respect and say things they normally don’t say. “Have a wonderful day!” with a big smile, “It was a pleasure serving you!” a grin spread across faces. Its almost hysterical! Manners mixed with fast food hasn’t been put to this level yet, Its a great lesson for the almost adult teenagers at work!