Girls Varsity Volleyball Wins Home Game Against Roseville


Calvin Lee, Journalism I

Bump, set, kill! Angel Khang is an outside hitter on the girls varsity volleyball team at North High School. Our girls varsity team defeating Roseville on Tuesday.

Roseville struggling to keep up with the North Polars ace serves, the Polars take the lead. Holding the up with good offense and defense, eventually after a few more rallys, North Polars take the win. With both teams exhausted, they all played to their best  of their ability and most of all had fun.

The season so far for the girls varsity team is going pretty well. Angel says “We definitely enjoy all games we play, but I like playing home games a lot more than away games. At game days like on Tuesday against Roseville, it is pretty nerve racking at the start, but later on, my team and I connect and play superb”

Angel says “Winning volleyball games means a lot to me and I wanna keep striving to be the best at what I love!”.