Teens and Youtube


Alivia Lindorfer, Journalism Student

Youtube has become the most popular online platform among teens according to the PEW research center’s teens social media and technology 2018 study. Until recently Facebook has dominated the Internet but today about 51% of teens say they use Facebook, while YouTube claims 85% of teenagers.

Do the teenagers at North High follow this trend? Michelle Martinson, a North High Senior, thinks so. She thinks she uses YouTube more than any other social media platform. She claims to have been watching YouTube since she was in elementary school. “I like watching Youtube because I can spend hours wasting time watching funny and crazy videos!” Michelle says.

Becca Larson, another North High Senior, says she also enjoys watching YouTube. Michelle and Becca agree that Shane Dawson is their favorite YouTuber, but Becca says she likes Shane Dawson because he always makes creative Videos. “Almost like a TV show,” she says. She also likes how funny and humble he is.

Another North High Senior Julia Schleicher has a different experience with YouTube. Julia herself has a YouTube account where she posts Vlogs. A Vlog is a Video blog. In Julia’s Vlog’s she takes video throughout her day incorporating her friends and funny moments. When asked why she decided to start a YouTube account she said, “I wanted to be able to remember my events, like show choir comps and stuff.” Julia soon realized she could have a lot of fun making vlogs because of her friends. “They are really funny and make good content!”

After seeing the way Youtube has impacted three North Students that the students of North High are following the Youtube trend. I wonder what social media trend students will follow in the future.